Enter The Young Women’s Composition Competition!

This contest is open to all young women (female-identified and non-binary) ages 12 to 18 from anywhere in the world. All are encouraged to apply.


Due date for all applications is August 31st, 2021, 5pm CST (Central Standard Time).

Level 1 (ages 12 to 14)

Single movement for piano trio (violin, cello, and piano). Duration up to 5 minutes.

Additional Instrumentation: Electronic sounds (computer generated or synthesized) and/or fixed media (pre-recorded sounds or tape).

1st Prize $350 | 2nd Prize $250 | 3rd Prize $150 ​

Level 2 (ages 15 to 18)

Single movement for piano trio (violin, cello, and piano). Duration up to 8 minutes.

Additional Instrumentation: Electronic sounds (computer generated or synthesized) and/or fixed media (pre-recorded sounds or tape).

1st Prize $450 | 2nd Prize $350 | 3rd Prize $250​

How to enter

Formats: Submissions should be in PDF format with an attached sound file (such as MP3) or link (such as Soundcloud or YouTube). MIDI files are also acceptable. Digital files only (no handwritten or paper hard copies will be accepted). No video allowed.

Delivery: Send via email to rickfergusonmo@gmail.com by August 31st, 2021, 5pm CST (Central Standard Time).

Selection: Winning submissions will be selected in September of 2021 and performed in concert as part of The Musical Offering's Music on Madison series in the Fall of 2021. Winners will receive a video recording of their music.

Fee: The submission fee is $15 via PayPal:

The Young Women’s Composition Competition is open to all young women (female-identified and non-binary) ages 12 to 18 around the world. Photo by Christopher Campbell.

The Young Women’s Composition Competition is open to all young women (female-identified and non-binary) ages 12 to 18 around the world. Photo by Christopher Campbell.

About the sponsor


The Musical Offering is a musical home for beginners to bloom and for more experienced musicians to explore their musical craft. I’m proud of the school’s process-oriented teaching philosophy, professional and friendly faculty, investments in local schools, and partnerships with arts organizations equally committed to making music more accessible for all. —Rick Ferguson, Artistic Director of The Musical Offering, Evanston, Illinois

The Young Women’s Composition Competition is open to all young women (female-identified and non-binary) ages 12 to 18 around the world. Photo by Charles Parker.

The Young Women’s Composition Competition is open to all young women (female-identified and non-binary) ages 12 to 18 around the world. Photo by Charles Parker.

The Musical Offering and the Young Women’s Composition Competition is thankful for the generous support of the Dr. Scholl Foundation.
